ESM5 Solar Charger
The ESM5 is a solar module with an integrated charge controller for maintaining 12VDC rechargeable batteries. Long lifetimes after production and transport as well as increasing standby-power consumption of new cars often lead to a discharge of the vehicle battery. The ESM5 Solar-Battery-Maintainer-System prevents a deep discharge of the battery causing a massive increase of the battery lifetime. The current state of charge of the battery is indicated on the front side of the ESM5 at any time via LEDs.

- Solar module with integrated charge controller for 12VDC Lead / AGM / Lithium / gel based rechargeable batteries
- Processor controlled charging
- Robust solar module
- Aluminium / plastic sandwich carrier plate
- Only 5 mm thick (without charge controller)
Typ | Input [V] | Output [V] | Output [A] | Cat. No |
ESM5 | - | 14,2VDC | max. 600mA | 116198 |
Download (en)
Filelable | File01 |
Data sheet | ESM5_db |
Product Flyer | ESM5-Solar module |
Accessories catalogue | Charging Technology_Accessories |
Download (de)
Filelable | File01 |
Datenblatt | ESM5_db |
Produktflyer | ESM5-Solarmodul |
Zubehörkatalog | Charging Technology_Zubehoer |

Udo Höfling
Charging Technology
+49 8707 920-135

Nico Seidel
Charging Technology
+49 8707 920-133
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